Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama, Chick Flicks, and Kobe's 81

It sure has been hectic in the world lately hasn't it? Personally I can say that I have been drunk,tipsy,or what ever way you want to put it,more days than I have been sober in 2009. Along the way I have some thoughts about current and on going events:

*On Obama: Okay I'll admit, I usually vote Republican. Usually this annoys some people and I get reminded of my political preferences in the most inopportune time. But ever since he gave that speech at the DNC he's sort of changed me. Some of my closest friends still can't believe I voted for him. Today's events really put things into perspective. To see our country come together to watch our 44th president be sworn in was truly history in the making. Yet again my bitch ass shed a tear. Special day indeed.

*Chick flicks: Speaking of tears I have this theory that every guy has a secret chick flick that he secretly likes. I mean everyone has a musician or band that they secretly like but they wont admit to, so this theory isn't too far off. My belief in that was strengthened when I was informed that one of the scariest looking dudes I've ever met (think of a mix of John Favreau and Bane)gets a huge boner for the movie Jersey Girl. Anything's possible I guess. (for the record my fave chick flick is a tie between Love Actually and Steel Magnolia's. I blame the latter on my Madre.)

*On Manny: What is with the lag? SIGN HIM NOW!!!

*On my b-day: Every January 22nd for the past three years something eventful has happened. 2006 saw Kobe score 81. 2007 had the official news that Rage Against The Machine was reuniting at Coachella and 2008 brought the unfortunate and untimely death of Heath Ledger. But usually it's just an excuse to drink for two weeks straight. I don't think anything will happen this year and quite honestly I'm fine with that. Like the great Sam Cooke once sang "A Change is Gonna Come".

Thank God it's finally here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I had no idea that you voted for Obama. ;)

    Steel Magnolias is a superb flick for you to admit to loving. Really. And if anything this admission makes you even more of a man, my friend.

    May your birthday be everything you hope for!
