Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Than Likely I'm Wrong but...

I think instead of writing huge long pieces I'm going to try writing quick short blurbs to let everyone know what's going on in my head. Like today for instance I've been think about honesty and when it should be used. Naturally it should be used 24-7 but come on, there are times when absolute honesty can really fuck things up.

Like Tuesday for instance. This person (the Screamer if you pay attention to my tweets) I was watching Scrubs like a good little boy and just as the second episode started on ABC (cheap plug) the screamer calls wanting to hang out. Even though I was already pissed that she called during my stories, I reluctantly agreed. Never mind the episode earlier in the day in which I was sorta bailed on, I decided to see if there was any sort of apology waiting for me.

Just as I'm getting ready the phone rings and I was informed of a gathering that would feature free booze and video games. I had a choice to make: either go with the Screamer and be mildly uncomfortable or go with the guys and drink. I decided to make it all about the booze. (yeah, big surprise) I grabbed the phone and tried to reach the Screamer but apparently no dice. Someone had the bright idea of turning their phone off. Long story short I'm in the doghouse.

I called the Screamer the next day and was asked for an honest answer why I bailed. Being the firm believer in honesty that I am I replied " I found something better to do." I know I screwed up by being THAT honest. (Granted I was still pissed about the day's earlier events and was kinda tipsy) But I believe when you ask for an honest answer you should get it. No matter how brutal it is. But then again I have been known to be called an asshole every so often...

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