Monday, January 12, 2009


I had a unusually productive shower tonight. Lately I have been questioning the validity of some relationships and I realize sometimes I put too much stock on all the little random signs that one gets every now and then. (i.e. stupid little things like certain songs, the mention of that name in the most unlikely of places, and other things of that nature) Call me stupid but I used to be a big believer in signs and coincidence. Still sort of am although it kind of shames me to admit it. Guess that's the Madre in me.

Supposedly wisdom comes with age and experience. Although I may not have the age, I do consider myself to have a (excuse the vulgarity ) butt load of experience. Thanks to my infamous wild streak, eternal love of booze, countless hours spent in the proverbial punk rock/rockabilly scene, and general contempt for all those in charge, I think I have put myself in situations where much life experience was gained. But now I'm getting off track.

Point is I'm starting to move away from believing in coincidence to "just the facts mam". Is that bad? Am I becoming colder? This is probably just another rung on the ol' ladder of maturity but in a way this kind of saddens me.

Maybe I think too damn much?

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